• Imore | Pokemon Go Events: Valentine's Day, Shiny Meltan, Clamperl, and more!
  • Pokemon GoValentine's Day, Shiny Meltan, Community Day, and more!

    Pokémon Go is intended to get you out and about, both on your own and with family and friends. One of the ways Pokémon Go tries to bolster activity is with events. Some of the events get splashy announcements and coincide with big public holidays. Others are quieter and more regular. Here's what's happened already and what's coming up next.

    Limited Research, featuring Clamperl on February 23

    Short notice!

    It's time to put your research skills to the test! Professor Willow is looking to conduct Limited Research on the Water-type Pokémon Clamperl. Spin the Photo Disc at nearby PokéStops to obtain Field Research tasks that lead to encounters with this tough-shelled Bivalve Pokémon. While you're completing research, keep an eye out for other Water-type Pokémon, such as Krabby and Wailmer! See more details below:

    Event Date + Time

    • Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India: Feb. 23, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. UTC (GMT +0)
    • The Americas and Greenland: Feb. 23, 2019, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8)
    • Asia-Pacific: Feb. 24, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. JST (GMT +9) Features

    • Receive 2× Catch Stardust for Water-type Pokémon during the three-hour window.

    • Water-type Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild during the event.
    • Limited Research tasks will be available when you spin Photo Discs at PokéStops.
    • Completing the Limited Research tasks will award you encounters with Clamperl.

    Clamperl might clam up during Limited Research, so exploring is key! As long as you've collected the Limited Research during the event window, you can complete it at any time. Don't forget—you'll need to venture onward to many PokéStops in order to get new Field Research tasks and encounter as many Clamperl as possible!

    Pokemon Go Valentine's Day Event until February 21

    Gather up Poké Balls and turn on Adventure Sync—the Pokémon GO Valentine's Day Celebration features Pokémon that are pink! Beginning February 13 at 1 p.m. PST, Pokémon such as Clefairy, Hoppip, and Luvdisc will appear more frequently in the wild. Check out more details below:

    Date + Time

    • Feb. 13, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT -8) to
    • Feb. 21, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT -8)


    • Pink Pokémon such as Clefairy, Hoppip, and Luvdisc will appear more frequently in the wild!
    • Certain pink Pokémon will hatch more frequently from 7 km Eggs!
    • Pink Pokémon such as Chansey and Porygon will appear more frequently in Raid Battles!


    • Lure Modules will last six hours for the duration of the event.
    • 2× Catch Candy

    Let's spread the love and enjoy special Valentine's Day Celebration bonuses! Stay safe, and happy exploring!

    Pokemon Go Shiny Meltan Event until March 4

    The co-promotion between Pokemon Go and Pokemon Lets Go on Nintendo Switch is escalating the FOMO:

    We have exciting news! The Shiny version of the Mythical Pokémon Meltan has been discovered! Just in time to celebrate the Lunar New Year, the Shiny version of Meltan will appear for a limited time.

    A Mythical Pokémon, the mysterious and rare Meltan only appears when a Mystery Box is opened. If you're lucky, you may encounter Shiny Meltan when you open the Mystery Box from February 5 at 1 p.m. PST until March 4 at 11:59 p.m. PST. During this special event, the time that you have to wait before you can open the Mystery Box again will be reduced to three days. Be careful, Trainer! If you open the Mystery Box before this event starts, you will have to wait the usual time period before you can open it again.

    Date & Time

    • Feb. 5, 2019, at 1 p.m. PST (GMT -8) to
    • Mar. 4, 2019, at 11:59 p.m. PST (GMT -8) Features

    When you open the Mystery Box, you may encounter the Shiny version of the Mythical Pokémon Meltan!

    The time you have to wait before you can open the Mystery Box again will be reduced. Don't miss this unique opportunity to bring Shiny Meltan into your GO Park or evolve it into Shiny Melmetal! Best of luck in discovering a rare form of this recently discovered Mythical Pokémon.

    Shiny Meltan doesn't look very different from non-Shiny, though, which is a bummer. You have one job, folks.

    Pokémon Go Legendary Palkia Raids from January 29 to February 28

    New month coming up means new Legendary Raids, namely the Water/Dragon Palkia.

    A new arrival to raids will test your strength in 2019! The Water- and Dragon-type Spatial Pokémon, Palkia, will join Raid Battles across the world from January 29 at 1:00 p.m. PST to February 28 at 1:00 p.m. PST!

    With the ability to warp the very fabric of space and enough power to take on Giratina, Palkia is a Pokémon that shouldn't be underestimated. Be sure to assemble a team that includes Dragon- and Fairy-type Pokémon to take down this Legendary Pokémon before its special attacks overwhelm your team!

    Don't miss this chance to catch this Legendary Pokémon before it returns to its own spatial dimension! Stay safe, and happy exploring!

    Get your Dragon-type attackers ready. Rayquaza, Dragonite, Solamance, Latios, and your Fairy-types if you need backup. This one is going to give as good as it gets.

    Deoxys shifts to Attack Forme for Ex-Raid starting December 20

    Pokémon Go has made it official: The Mythical Gen 3 Pokémon, Deoxys, will replace Mewtwo when Ex-Raids make their return... at some point in the hopefully near future.

    It's time to prepare for a new challenge from a powerful Mythical Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region! The DNA Pokémon, Deoxys, will arrive for EX Raid Battles. This Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon will be available to challenge in its Normal Forme beginning with the next cycle of EX Raid invitations.

    And, after two long months, Pokémon Go is finally shifting to the next forme: Attack:

    The DNA Pokémon, Deoxys, has tested the strength of Trainers in EX Raids and has now changed form! Attack Forme Deoxys will be in EX Raid Battles, with more power than previously seen, so make sure your team is prepared. This Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon will be available to challenge beginning with the next cycle of EX Raid invitations, after December 20.

    Read more about the new Ex Raid system

    Pokémon Go Fest 2019

    No word yet on Pokémon Go Fest 2019. Probably not even safe to assume it'll be in Chicago again, now that Niantic has proven it can run an event there and redeemed itself from 2017. But, we'll update as soon as there's anything to update!

    Pokemon Go Adventure Sync Hatchathon (Finished)

    It'll be hard to beat the Gen 4 babies but here's hoping Pokémon Go tries.

    Welcome a brand-new year with the Adventure Sync Hatchathon! To celebrate new beginnings, Trainers will enjoy bonuses for hatching Eggs from January 2 at 1:00 p.m. PST to January 15 at 1:00 p.m. PST. Make sure your shoes are tightly laced for a long journey, as you're more likely to receive 5 km and 10 km Eggs from PokéStops and Gyms.

    Don't forget to activate Adventure Sync to make your steps count toward hatching Eggs while you're on the go! Enjoy more ways to stay on top of your well-being for the New Year while working toward rewards with a weekly fitness summary as you start your New Year's resolutions off on the right foot. See details for the event below:

    Date + Time

    Jan. 2, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8) to Jan. 15, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8)


    • 2× Hatch Candy
    • 2× Hatch Stardust
    • Higher chance of receiving 5 km and 10 km Eggs from PokéStops and Gyms

    Update: Nope. Hatches haven't been great. But, the bonuses have been good.

    What Pokémon Go events do you want to see?

    If you were planning the next big Pokémon Go event, when would you have it and how would you handle it?

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