• Android Authority | We asked, you told us: You’d buy the Huawei Mate X over the Samsung Galaxy Fold
  • If there was a theme to MWC 2019, there would be two: 5G and foldable smartphones. While 5G networks are still in the works and will likely start slowly rolling out this year, many believe that foldable phones still need some time to develop.

    Despite this, both Samsung and Huawei have announced devices with foldable displays that it plans to sell to the general public in a matter of months. So we decided to ask you, which of these two phone/tablet hybrids would you be willing to spend your money on. Here are the results.

    Samsung Galaxy Fold or Huawei Mate X?



    As you can see, roughly 39 percent of the 60,000+ people who voted in this week's poll across the website, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube would buy the Huawei Mate X in its current form over the Samsung Galaxy Fold.

    Looking through the comments, it appears that most prefer the Mate X because of the larger display while being used as a phone and because of the lay-flat design. Of course, people were quick to criticize that having a plastic screen on both sides of the device would likely lead to scratches and other forms of damage if dropped.

    As expected, about a third of those who participated voiced that they wouldn't buy either phone. Many stated that they didn't think foldable phones were ready yet for the consumer market while others just wanted to wait until more handsets were released before making a decision.

    Editor's Pick

    I am personally more fond of the Samsung Galaxy Fold, so I found these results surprising. While I dislike the small 4.6-inch display around front, having the larger tablet-like display hidden within seemed like the smarter route to go. The fact alone that keeping the device closed protects the screen from scratches was enough for me to prefer the Galaxy Fold over the Mate X.

    Noteworthy comments

    Here are some of the best comments from last week's poll explaining why they voted the way that they did:

    • IF I had to pick one of them, I'd go Huawei, sight unseen even. Samsung has pissed me off to a point where I'd never give them another penny of my money. Heck I'd even consider an iPhone over another Samsung. But I still wouldn't want either one. Just too fragile and prone to being destroyed in my hands.
    • Mate X without ANY doubt! but I want Huawei to add some aluminum/steel premium finish to it. we also need to see Xiaomi's 3-pane device, it looked interesting
    • well, it's an ultra-premium category and devices. display is the #1 expensive part of any phone, here you have huge NEXT-GEN display, design & tech. Huawei Matex X is a 6.6″ phone unfolding into a 8″ tablet. Huawei has perfectly undrstood the concept of FOLDABLEs – a single device MORPHING into 2 diff devices. SAMSUNG has simply chosen to combine a 4.6″ phone and a neat but ugly-notched 7.2″ tablet.
    • As I said on the other article between these 2. Id'e rather have the Samsung over the Huawei any day. One the folds on the outside are not that great of an idea considering you end up marring both pretty easily over the course of carrying it. 2 I prefer to put a full on pelican style case on my phones for protection and with 2 screens to deal with thats not very possible since it would still cause the back to be slippery as heck which is part of the reason I prefer to add such a case another is to add actual thickness to my devices as they are getting to be way to thin for me to comfortable hold and a glass back does NOT help in the slightest there.
    • Can actually see myself using the Mate X…but the Fold…man I hate that design. An entire side of a phone for that small a display…guh.
    • Neither, really, but if I really wanted a folding phone the Samsung is the only reasonable choice. That plastic screen on the outside of the Huawei is going to be a mass of scratches inside of 6 months..

    That's it for this week, everyone. As always, thanks for voting, thanks for the comments, and don't forget to let us know what you thought of the results below.

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