• Imore | How to find and catch Smeargle in Pokémon GO
  • There is a new sneaky Pokémon in town and it's photobombing our AR snapshots

    Smeargle is the latest new Pokémon available in Pokémon GO but like Ditto before it, there is a special way to catch Smeargle and it has special abilities once you do. We are going to break down everything we know about Smeargle and how we can help you catch as many of them as possible.

    What is a Smeargle and why do you want it?

    Smeargle is a normal type Pokémon from the 2nd generation and has a beagle-like appearance. Its tail is in the shape of a paintbrush, in fact, paint drips from the tip of it, and it uses that paintbrush to fight other Pokémon.

    Originally seen in Pokémon Gold and Silver, Smeargle uses its paintbrush to communicate to its trainers, as well as to attack.

    In Pokémon GO Smeargle's paintbrush ability, called sketch, translates into the power to take almost any move set from the Pokémon it photobombs in the new Snapshot AR mode.

    This means it can take on a powerful Pokémon's moves and use them in battle. I have been trying to get it to take on my Vaporeon's Hydro Pump, but so far it hasn't photobombed that Pokémon.

    More: How to use the new AR Snapshot feature

    How do you catch Smeargle?

    You can't catch Smeargle in the standard way in Pokémon GO. Instead, you have to catch it photobombing your Snapshots in the AR Snapshot feature. You can use the feature normally and in the course of play you will eventually see Smeargle and can catch it, or you can follow our step-by-step to maximize your potential sightings.

    1. Open up your Pokémon GO app.
    2. Tap the Pokéball in the center to open the menu.
    3. Tap the Item icon to open your item bag.
    4. Select the camera from your item bag to access Snapshot Mode.
    5. Choose the Pokémon that has the abilities you want Smeargle to steal.

    6. Snap around 10-12 AR photos with your Pokémon and keep checking the small thumbnail in the bottom right corner. You will see the top of Smeargles head when it has photobombed.
    7. Tap the thumbnail when you see Smeargle and look at the picture it is in.
    8. Exit out into the map screen on your Pokémon GO app.
    9. You will see Smeargle in the wild ready to be caught, just tap on Smeargle to start the throwing animation.
    10. Catch Smeargle in the normal manner.

    As you can see once you have caught Smeargle it will have the same move set and the abilities of the Pokémon it was in the Snapshot with.

    What Move set can Smeargle take?

    So far, Smeargle has been able to copy all the move sets put in front of it except Ditto's Transform, which, according to The Silph Road over on Reddit, turns into Struggle instead. Suffice to say, there are some variances on the powers each Smeargle can get, and it will depend on the Pokémon it is taking the powers from.

    We do know that Community day powers transfer to Smeargle and that the third power some Pokémon have won't transfer. In other words, Smeargle won't learn a third power right now.

    What about Shinies and special moves?

    So far, no sign of Smeargle shinies, and if it photobombs a shiny Pokémon, nothing happens. It seems likely that shinies will appear, but maybe further down the road. Special moves currently cost 9,999,999 candies, which seems somewhat excessive.

    The likelihood is that this is just a place holder until they are ready to decide what power Smeargle will need to balance its other abilities. But honestly, I think that's a little shoddy. This should have been sorted before launch, and if it wasn't going to able to use a second move it should just show N/A, not a crazy number of candies.

    Is this a timed event?

    No! Thankfully Smeargle is now part of the general rotation. At the moment, the only way to catch it is by using the Snapshot feature but they may change that in the future, and it could just become another Pokémon out in the wild.

    I hope they don't though. Pokémon like this make the game much more varied and interesting. Just like field research, this kind of new way to find Pokémon in the game keeps me coming back for more.

    Will you see when Smeargle arrives?

    There are a few little tips to help you see when Smeargle appears to photobomb your AR pic. Keep an eye on the thumbnail in the bottom corner. It will blink white three times when Smeargle bombs you instead of just once.

    Don't bother to take more than 10-12 photos of the same Pokémon in one sitting. If Smeargle hasn't arrived by the twelfth photo, chances are it isn't going to. Just exit out, delete all the excess pictures you don't want from your Photos app — trust me they will start to build up if you don't keep them in check — and try again.

    Can Smeargle run away?

    Don't be complacent! Like any other Pokémon, Smeargle will try to flee occasionally. Make sure you are using berries, and the right Pokéball to make sure you catch it the first time.

    If Smeargle does flee, you will have to catch it in a photobomb to get it back, it doesn't just reappear on the world map, unfortunately.

    Does a change of target, location, or camera help?

    While you want Smeargle to photobomb the right Pokemon — after all, you want it to learn good abilities — you can't just keep snapping photos and hoping it will appear. I have been alternating between several different Pokémon I want Smeargle to learn powers from, just in case and Reddit seems to agree.

    Changing location hasn't seemed to help either, although I have only tried it in a 500-meter radius of my house using different photos and even switching to landscape to see if that helped. So far there is no evidence that changing location makes a difference.

    Several people have reported success in switching from accessing the camera from the item menu to instead selecting the Pokemon you want to snap and then tapping the camera from its summary page. I have tried this also and it hasn't worked for me yet, but we can hope.

    These things might not do anything, but it makes the monotony of trying to cheat random number generators more bearable. After all, a Smeargle photobomb is, as far as we know, a completely random occurrence, and while it is fun to try and beat that randomness I have to warn you, we most likely never will.

    Can Smeargle photobomb itself?

    Source: shinycaterpie

    Smeargle-ception can happen! There are images on Silph Road that show a Redditor with Smeargle photobombing Smeargle so it absolutely can happen. Apparently, Smeargle still takes the move set of the other Smeargle, and it will be whatever that Smeargle stole the first time around.

    This also answers the question, "Can you catch more than one Smeargle?" You certainly can catch more than one, and I am jealous of anyone who has managed that feat. According to Reddit you may only be able to catch one a day, as many Redditors have tried to catch more but it only works once per day.

    What happens when you use a TM on a Smeargle?

    Unlike a normal Pokémon, Smeargle doesn't have its own move set, it takes the moves from the Pokémon it photobombs. This means a normal Technical Machine (TM) won't work the way it normally does. Instead, it will give your Smeargle a completely random attack power from any of the other Pokémon in the game.

    It seems to me that the best way to get the Move set you want is to make sure the Pokémon you want Smeargle to photobomb has those powers already available. That way, you don't have to worry about the randomness that Smeargle seems to inherently bring to the table.

    What happens if Smeargle doesn't spawn in the wild?

    Some users, including our very own managing editor, Lory Gil, has had an issue where Smeargle bugs out after he photobombs. In this case, the photobomb worked but Smeargle didn't spawn into the wild for you to catch it. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like anything can be done about it, you just lose your chance to catch it this time around and will have to try again.

    What is the Cameraman medal?

    The Cameraman medal is new and specially made for catching Smeargles. You are awarded the bronze medal when you get 10 or more photobombs from Smeargle, 50 times for the silver, and finally, a whopping 200 to get the gold medal.

    There appear to be some glitches in the medal so far, we had an issue where it didn't populate into the medal list for 24 hours. I'm sure this is just server load issues and will resolve itself so don't be afraid if you don't see it immediately.

    Do you have any new information?

    Smeargle is one of the most fun Pokémon to catch in recent times. The idea that it can appear randomly inside another activity is brilliant and I really hope we see more of that in the future.

    But what about you? Have you seen other sure-fire ways to catch it? Or maybe you have information we don't? Let us know in the comments and we will update as we go!

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