• TechGYD | The Best Eco-friendly Mobile Apps and Computer Services
  • The deeper we sink into this technological era, the more eco-friendly apps are popping up and becoming available to us. These apps are making it easier for us to replace our environmentally unfriendly habits with cleaner, greener actions.

    As a result of this, both Apple and Google's app store's have seen a huge increase in the number of apps helping us to protect our environment and conserve energy.

    And it's about time too!

    Eco-friendly Mobile Apps

    As according to Energy.gov, around 30% of the energy used in commercial buildings within the United States is wasted.

    And so, with that statistic fresh in mind, let's take a look at the best eco-friendly apps available to us today.

    1.  #Climate

    Created by an environmental tech community, #Climate is a non-profit community app that helps social media lovers to find green actions that can help the environment. When creating a profile, you can choose to focus entirely on topics that take your interest. Anytime you login to the app after this, you'll see a list of suggested actions based on your chosen topics.

    Once you've taken part in an action, you can share it on social media with your followers. From here, you can track the progress of the action to see how many people you've inspired.

    Available: download #Climate for iOS (free)

    2. FaxBurner

    Up next it's FaxBurner, the mobile app that allows you to send and receive fax to your email or iPhone. If you love sending fax messages but are looking to cut down on office paper, FaxBurner should be a great addition to your mobile office.

    The app itself is easy to navigate, and because there's a free plan with a free fax number – it takes no time at all to send your first fax. If you're receiving up to 25 pages of fax per month, the free plan will cover this. For fax-oholics, the most popular Professional plan is priced at $10.00 /month and includes 500 fax pages. Choosing one of the paid options also includes your own toll-free fax number.

    Available: download for Android & iOS (free and paid plans)

    3. JouleBug

    JouleBug is an eco-friendly app that rewards you for making your everyday habits more sustainable. By rewarding you with various badges and points, JouleBug encourages you every step of the way. For example, you'll get points for using a recyclable shopping bag at a supermarket or cycling to work instead of driving.

    JouleBug can also help you to save money, as you can link the app to your utility bills and find out how much money you're saving by going green. Sharing this information with your friends will inspire them to get involved. After all, making a change to your lifestyle is always more fun with a friend, right?

    Available: download JouleBug for Android & iOS (free)

    4. PaperKarma

    Who hates junk mail? Yeh, me too.

    But when it comes through the post in the form of a newsletter or magazine, not only is it annoying, it's also bad for the environment. Thankfully, PaperKarma has made it easier than ever to unsubscribe from junk mail. All you have to do is take a photo of your unwanted mail, making sure the photo includes your name, address, and the sender's details.

     It's as simple as that – PaperKarma do the rest!

    Available: download PaperKarma for Android & iOS (free trial, $1.99 /month subscription required)

    5. GoodGuide

    GoodGuide makes it easy to learn about everyday products and how they are impacting the environment. If your environmental concerns lie in the products you are buying from supermarkets, this is an app you'll want to explore.

    GoodGuide contains more than 200,000 consumer products.

    Each product is rated for its environmental impact, health standards, and safety. It will also give you nutritional information depending on what type of product you are looking at. Added to that, GoodGuide will also suggest alternatives if you're trying to avoid buying products which contain certain chemicals.

    Available: download GoodGuide for Android & iOS (free)


    6. iRecycle

    There are other forms of trash aside from things like aluminum cans and plastic bottles that are more difficult to recycle. These include things like broken electronics and household chemicals, generally, things which are not biodegradable.

     iRecycle helps users to locate facilities around the US and North America where such items can be recycled. After finding a suitable location, iRecycle will provide you with all the necessary information including website details, phone number, and further details about which types of material are collected there.

    Available: download iRecycle for Android & iOS (free)

    7. ThreadUP

    Got an overflowing wardrobe but not entirely sure where to recycle your unwanted clothes?

    ThreadUP is the largest online consignment and thrift store that lets you recycle your old and unwanted clothes in exchange for cash or store credit.

    While it's not entirely an eco-friendly app, ThreadUP is certainly a step in the right direction when it comes to shopping for clothes online. And if I'm honest, I can't think of an app which already offers this service to its customers, do you? If one comes to mind, let me know in the comments box at the bottom of this article.

    Available: download ThreadUP for iOS & Android (free)

    Which Eco-Friendly App(s) Will You Choose?

    Although not everyone looks towards making changes to their lifestyle, generally speaking, the majority of people do want to live on a cleaner, greener planet.

    I can't imagine there are many people who would argue this.

    And while there are tonnes of changes that people can make to have a positive effect on our environment, the act of actually doing them can sometimes be the problem.

    Eco-friendly apps like the ones I have listed in this article can help to turn those positive intentions into actions, resulting in a greener lifestyle for you and your friends. And at the end of the day, most of them are free! So, why not give it a try?

    What changes have you made to make your lifestyle greener? Let me know in the comments box below.

    Read Full Article Here - The Best Eco-friendly Mobile Apps and Computer Services

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