• TechGYD | Computer Careers: How to Get a Tech Job with No Experience
  • There are so many new jobs in tech these days, but how do you actually land one? Click here to learn how to get a tech job with no experience.

    Every year, technology jobs are listed among the highest paying jobs in the world. They're most high paid because they are consistently the most in demand.

    If you're envious of the people who create and support the technologies that fuel our digital world and wish you could join their ranks, you're not alone. If you're ready to turn those daydreams into reality, then read on.

    Today we're going to show you how to get a tech job with no experience. Yes, that's right, you don't need a degree in computer science or five-years of experience to get hired to create the next "killer app."

    Three Things Tech Companies Want 

    When you boil it all down, tech companies want the same things every employer wants. When they look at a potential hire, they're looking for someone who will fit in with their organization. There are three ways a person will fit in.

    tech job

    Industry Fit

    You may be asked questions about how you feel about some bit of tech news. Are you up on what's going on? Are you engaged enough to have an opinion? Find out what

    Company Fit

    Why do you want to work for this company? What would make you want to go to work every day? Know who you are applying to and mention one or two things you uncovered while doing your research that you think you can help them with.

    Job Fit

    OK, so now the rubber hits the road. It's time to demonstrate how you are a fit for the job. Obviously, if you've never had any experience it's going to be tough to convince someone to hire you as a Big Data Hadoop Developer.

    Fortunately, not all technical job descriptions and needs are this cut and dried. Nor are all tech jobs directly related to programming of one sort or another.

    Matching and Acquiring Skills 

    For every programming tech job, there are three jobs designing the packaging and logo, marketing the app and managing its books. That means there are plenty of opportunities and ways the skills you've acquired in other fields can be directly related to those needed on a tech job.

    How you go about matching your experience and skills to those the tech company is looking for is very important in today's world of applicant tracking. Fortunately, there are professional resume writers who can help you word things just right.

    It's possible to get your foot in the door with skills you already have and then go to work acquiring the skills that match your ultimate tech dream job. There are plenty of places online where you can find courses that teach computing skills. There are also some that will lead you to the successful passing of a certification exam.

    Another thing you can do is to spend some personal time getting just a little bit of experience. Take on a free project for a non-profit to get some hands-on experience doing what you learned in your online course and you'll have something to talk about in your interviews as well as something to put on your resume.

    How to Get a Tech Job with No Experience

    As you can see, how to get a tech job with no experience is far from impossible. You've already made a commitment to learning what you can about the industry. Now you just need to develop a plan of finding the right companies within that industry that have jobs that require skills similar to those you already have.

    Don't limit yourself to looking just at Silicon Valley tech firms either. As this article shows, there are advancements in technology happening in every industry, even the manufacturing industry. Your current skills might make you a perfect match for one of those jobs too.

    Read Full Article Here - Computer Careers: How to Get a Tech Job with No Experience

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