• TechGYD | What Changing Your IP Address Could Mean for Your Business
  • Have you ever changed your business' IP address? For those who have never thought about their IP address, it stands for Internet Protocol, and it's one of the ways that others can identify you when you connect to the Internet. One of the problems with a business IP address is that it can be public, which leaves you open to attacks. To protect your business, many owners agree that it's best to learn more about IP addresses and VPNs.

    data earth

    Your IP address looks like a bunch of random numbers, but it's actually an Internet address, basically your location on the Internet. IP addresses look like the following:

    • 45.67.89
    • 8.8.8 – Google's IP Address
    • 247.224.81 – Known IP address of Harvard

    While these are public IP addresses, you may not want yours to be public. However, you have to have an IP address in order to connect to the Internet. So how can you change or hide your address?

    Start with a VPN

    You can get a VPN to hide your IP address, encrypt your internet traffic, and protect your business website. There are actually a lot of uses for a VPN outside of the business aspects, but if you are worried about your business' security, then the best thing to do is set it up under a VPN client.

    While you're connected to a VPN, the provider will assign you a different IP address. You will still have your original IP address, but this only connects to the VPN. After that, your VPN changes your IP address.

    Susceptible Ports

    In the world of TCP and IP, your network can be susceptible to a port hack if a cybercriminal knows your IP address. There are various channels and ports that have unique numbers attached to them. These ports are connected to your business computer, which could mean that the data on your system can be corrupted by an application or network hack.

    Every IP address has ports that are included with it. These ports are important to how your computer processes and stores information about your business, your customers, products, and financial accounts. Some hackers are able to exploit these ports just by knowing your IP address.

    However, this isn't the case if you have changed your IP through a VPN or by contacting your Internet Service Provider.

    Install Firewalls and Cyber Security Protocols

    If you have an IT team to help with this, your business is probably already protected. However, you should consider hiring an IT professional or talking to a consultant about your business' cyber protection. If you are doing any kind of online sales or storing any information in the cloud, then your business is susceptible to being hacked. One of the ways that can happen is through someone getting a hold of the IP address you use to connect your business to the Internet.

    You can use a firewall and other malware software to track and prevent attacks. However, if you really want to keep your business safe, you should have your website and all databases backed up as well. You don't want a hacker to have any access to any important files, which is why you shouldn't keep personal files or customer files on your computer's hard drive.

    While this can be difficult for small businesses, you're setting yourself up for disaster if you don't start planning to scale up your cyber security and protection.

    Can You Make Your IP Address Invisible?

    While you can't truly make your IP address completely invisible, there are ways to hide it and make it more difficult for hackers to get into your system. The best way to do this is through a VPN. This essentially hides your IP address from everyone, but if a hacker knows how to get past your VPN, then your IP address and other files could be in unsafe hands.

    Most businesses operate all of their programs and websites behind a VPN that can change IP addresses frequently. This is important because you don't want a hacker to lock onto any address you have associated with your business. A dynamic IP address can change many times, even simultaneously changing.

    Train Employees to Recognize Threats

    What should you do in the event that you are hacked, or someone accesses your IP address maliciously? For one, you should train your employees on how to treat the company's computers and recognize threats. If there is an issue on the office network due to a corrupted file, then you should notify your IT personnel instantly to get it resolved. You don't want a hacker to gain access to your office network through the IP address as that means they can likely get into vital data files of your business.

    Furthermore, employees should have to pass security checks and change their passwords frequently when working on the office network. If they are using their computer to download movies or look at anything at work that's risky, then it's also putting your business at risk. You should limit this activity as much as possible.

    Always Create Backups

    You can secure your business by creating online backups of your vital databases and websites. You want to be able to prevent attacks, but you don't want to start over from scratch if something were to happen. You can set up a backup pretty easily using most hosting providers, so it's really a matter of how much hosting and what kind of plan you want for your cloud.

    A custom cloud for a business shouldn't cost more than $20 a month, and if you can get your IT team to manage it, then you have a suitable business security function in place if something were to ever happen.

    If you haven't invested in your business' cybersecurity before, it's not difficult to start. You can work with an IT consultant to see what it would take to get your business completely protected.

    Read Full Article Here - What Changing Your IP Address Could Mean for Your Business

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