• Imore | LEGO DC Super-Villains and more are on sale now on Nintendo Switch!
  • Are you searching for a great game for your Switch but want to get great deals? I've found the best games for a fraction of their price!

    Have you played all of your Nintendo Switch games and you're looking for a bit more fun? I know how pricey they can be, especially if you're on a budget and can't spend $60 on a game. Here at iMore, we have found some great games currently on sale. If any of these types of game spark your interest, be sure to check them out by clicking the links below.

    Pre-order options on Amazon

    Here's every game you can pre-order on Amazon right now. Just click the title to check it out!

    If there are any pre-order options on sale we'll be sure to let you know. As of right now there aren't, but stay tuned!

    Physical game cartridge sales on Amazon right now, get them quick!

    Sometimes you can find a couple of gems on Amazon for sale, but make sure you catch them quick. While Amazon is great for prices and fast delivery, they don't always let us know how long the sale will be going on for. Every week we'll update this section to keep it fresh to make sure you pop back in on Tuesday evenings to see what we have in store for you!

    Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

    $60 $31

    Take on this insanely hilarious adventure to save your beautiful (maybe?) princess from the land you've found yourself trapped in. Whether you're looking to laugh and have a great time, or just play an amazing game, you absolutely need to take advantage of this deal while it's half off.

    See at Amazon

    LEGO DC Super-Villains

    $50 $29

    Ever wondered what it was like to be on the other side of the battle? Now you can! LEGO has continued its infamous DC series from the perspective of the Super-Villains. Team up with Harley, The Joker, Lex Luthor, and more as you create and customize your own DC Villain!

    See at Amazon

    Fire Emblem Warriors

    $60 $32

    Gather all the Gleam Stones to save the Kingdom of Aytolis! In this roleplay-fighting adventure, you take on the roles of Marth, Xander, Corrin, Chrom, and other Fire Emblem warriors. Each hero has a different unique ability with distinct attacks, commands, and battle strategies. Wield blades, staffs, magic, and so much more as you change between your heroes and defeat the darkness.

    See at Amazon

    eShop games on sale this week

    Every week we're going to make sure you're updated on the best games that are on sale for the Nintendo Switch. Here you'll be able to see our favorite titles you can pick up for a deal, and below you'll be able to see all the amazing deals you can get!

    Goat Simulator: The GOATY

    $30 $20

    This game contains Goat Simulator, Goat MMO Simulator, Goat Simulator: GoatZ, Goat Simulator: Payday and Goat Simulator: Waste of Space. Go out, be a goat, and cause absolute havoc by being the biggest pain in the butt you possibly could.

    See at Nintendo Store

    The King's Bird

    $20 $14

    Take a deep dive into a beautiful, but vaguely threatening, world. As you make your way through the mazes you must light each lantern to guide your path. Enjoy the beautifully captivating scenes as you glide through the air and discover the secrets that have been hidden by a tyrant!

    See at Nintendo Store

    Flowlines VS

    $5 $1

    We all need those silly games on our Switch and now is the perfect time to grab Flowlines VS because it's only a dollar! This puzzle game has you connecting dots to the corresponding colors and filling the entire board with paths. It's simple, fun, and gives you something to do for a few minutes a day when you want to wind down from work.

    See at Nintendo Store

    What are your favorite sales?

    Any games you love that are currently on sale? Let us know in the comments below. Or shoot me a Tweet @OriginalSluggo!

    Updated April 2, 2019: Updated for games on sale this week.

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