Want to earn money through creating website? Well for first timer you had so much to learn for first and you have to be ready and very creative in order to catch peoples' attention. You can feel that you a bit confused and, you do not know what to do at first but after the hard work, it is just that it will give you fulfillment.
Here are some steps in order to guide you and be well informed. Building up a website manually me actually hard because you must know how to code but if you tend to visit some websites who offers creating your website free, well that is an it. And you might want to try it? Yes of course, instead of spending days creating website manually, you can just create it at sites and you will take up
to ten minutes which is kind of very fast and easy. So, if you want to start your own website here it is, welcome to the world of internet!
Ready to start? Get set go!
First step is to choose a name for your domain, It is the most important of all because this is the link that will be seen and shared for your website. Link is connected to your main website vision because this one also needs to be recognizable and it is easy to search under such engine. Your brand, the motive of your website, the website standings and many more usually is the chosen domain for your website. It is very important because it is the first identity of your website to other. It can be the most basis of the visitors because it is the first one they will see and it defines your whole website whether they will enter it or not. In short, this one is the most crucial of all for this is the main reason why visitors will come. But for recommendation, it is all yours so you are very free to what you want. Be happy with your title and enjoy your own site. You have to determine what your site all about is and are specific for what you want to do with it. Choosing the domain that you are contented and very much appreciated is actually a very good one.
Second step is to register the main domain that you decided to go with, Well you have to pay a
short amount at least twenty dollars a year. If you are serious with your website and you want to continue then you will go up with this. Be very patient and positive when it comes to this line. Just search the websites that can register your domain then do what you need to do as simple as that. There are some websites that allows you to register your domain and the example of that is blue host website, very easy to use and accommodating. It can freely allow you to give identity to your website as what you want in affordable price.
Third step is choosing a service who will host your website.
After the second step this is a round where you need to choose what the best for your website is.
Most relevant is needed because it can make your website very powerful and guaranteed. You have to make sure that the host you will get have fast and liable source. You have to have connection to the host that is holding you that if you have concern you can check on them and ask for the right solution. It is better to choose a host that allows you to take full control of your website so you can edit it and configure your own web site. You have to make sure that the host service can let your website free and have much storage.
Fourth step is connecting your main domain to the host to get.
It depends if your domain and host service is different then you will need it but if not then you can jump off this step. Have you known the DNS? If you will tend to connect them then you need to contact your host and ask them to connect your web host to your domain. Or you can be the one who will plug it in and so after that you just need to set it all for a while and be ready.
Fifth step is installing the WordPress; It is the tool that you need in order to finally create your website. This is a wonderful application that can give you assurance that your site will be good. It is a best option in creating simple blog or small or big web site. In this application, it holds up many themes/ templates that can make your website be functioned and run as it needed to be. Your host can also take it to you and guide you so that you can use the WordPress more accordingly. For recommendation you can also download the WordPress, by going on to their site.
The sixth step is choosing the accurate theme for your website, In this step you can see that there are many of themes in the WordPress so that your website will be more stunning and cool because of designs that you will put. They are divided by two categories which are the free and premium, of course if you look in to it then free templates are simpler than the premium once but you need to pay
for it for less of more than a hundred dollars. This can give your website more professionalized outlook that can gain attention of visitors. For information, also the Studio Press that is connected to WordPress can give you more stunning themes you can use.
Seventh step is finally configuring or setting up you web site, Once your website is already done and that it is functioning very well here is the next step, Check the navigation and set it up in a way that is making your website more comfortable for visitors to pay a visit. You have to give them a whole teaser for the system and you need to acknowledge them to see the most featured part of your system. Checking the colors also is a factor by which it can make the visitors come and go, so you
need to complement it and make it good to eye so it will not make the visitors go away and not see what your site can do better. Make the site clearer and organize so that the visitors will not be troubled seeking what they need in your site whether it is an information or ideas or etc. You have to make sure that they will not be puzzled in your site, organize the idea and show the important parts more actively, do not hide them. Add stuffs that can make your site more functioning but do not overdo, it can be a distraction for the visitor and instead of your website contents, they will not see it.
Eight step and very last one is the most important, Put up contents that you want to put in your web site, for this is the main body of your site, it should be filled with ideas and interesting facts or details. For more detail
Read Full Article Here - 8 Simple Steps for Creating Your First Website
via http://bit.ly/2IK5y0h
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