Online casinos have been around for almost as long as the internet itself (the modern internet that is). The first virtual casinos began to appear in the mid nineteen nineties, and were pretty basic by todays standards. Nevertheless, the advent of the online casino changed the lives of millions of people all over the world. Suddenly, people in the middle of nowhere could finally visit a casino without having to dream about it, or spend their life savings in travel and accommodation costs. On the other side of the coin, the online casino industry gave rise to an entirely new sphere of employment, giving jobs to thousands of people in a new, fledgling industry.
During the late eighties and early nineties, the land-based or 'brick and mortar' casino industry was experiencing somewhat of a decline due to a variety of causes including a downturn in the economies of various nations, as well as a general low prioritizing of gambling in general. Of course, this is not to say that certain casinos in Las Vegas, Atlantic City and other international destinations like Macau weren't surviving, for most people, saving up and spending money on going to a casino simply wasn't on their list of priorities.
The introduction of the online casino changed all that, virtually overnight. Suddenly just about anyone with a computer and an internet connection (dial up for the most part) could 'visit' a casino and play a variety (albeit limited) of games. This included a small number of virtual slots, which were basically software-driven versions of mechanical slots that had been around for decades, as well as virtual versions of classic casino games like roulette and blackjack. While the range may not have been big at the time, it was enough to convince many that this was indeed the future of the casino industry.
Cutting Edge Online Casinos of Today
The success of the modern online casino owes a great deal to the popularity of video games, from the retro cool of old Nintendo games, to the latest 3D multiplayer shoot 'em ups. The line between online casino gaming and online video gaming is blurring, as more and more virtual casinos adopt various aspects of video games, including quest platforms, in-game rewards, skins, avatars, mission-based rewards and much more. This has helped fuel interest in online casino gambling as most users no longer see online casinos as just boring money magnets designed to fleece your of everything you've got.
Modern online casinos are also far more diverse in their product range than ever before. Top dogs like Novibet are attracting a whole new market thanks to their unified platform which feeds both the needs of online casino gamers, and online sports bettors in equal measure. Users can access the latest Novibet slots, or bet on the FA Cup final all at the same time, all with a single user account.
Adding even more icing to an already sweet cake is the option for multiple platform engagement. Today's online user isn't just interested in browsing the web at home or at work, most use their mobile devices to surf the web, connect via social media, stream movies and much more. Savvy online casinos and sportsbooks know that, to keep customers happy, their mobile offering as to be every bit as good (if not better) as their desktop platforms. In fact, the latest mobile gambling platforms don't even need a dedicated app anymore in order to gain access to gaming content. Websites are designed to instantly recognize virtually any mobile device, including most phones and tablets, and adapt their look and feel to suit the users screen size, graphics processor and operating system.
Read Full Article Here - How Technology Saved the Online Gaming Industry
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