• Android Authority | This week in Android: Huawei’s never-ending woes
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    The big news this week was actually the fallout from Trump's decision to add Huawei to the known entity list last week. The dominoes started falling when Google revoked Huawei's access to Android on Sunday. Since then, Qualcomm, Intel, Arm, the SD Association, the Wi-Fi Alliance, and others have cut ties with the Chinese company to comply with U.S. law. Keep track of the whole story in our handy Huawei vs the Trump administration timeline.

    This didn't stop Huawei from pushing ahead with the release of the Honor 20 Pro, which offers a premium experience for an excellent price. However, the jury is still out on whether you should buy a Huawei phone, given that they are only guaranteed to receive updates until August 29. This could all blow over if a trade deal is hammered out before then, but currently everything is clouded in uncertainty.

    In other news, we got our first look at Xiaomi's Redmi Note 7S, which is a promising device in the middle of the Note 7 lineup. We also got to check out the Fxtec Pro1, a phone with a controversial throwback feature: a physical QWERTY keyboard

    Here are the top 10 Android stories of the week

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