• Bgr | Best Buy just canceled every preorder it took for the Galaxy Fold
  • Galaxy Fold preorders

    It's going to keep getting worse for Samsung before it gets better, as Best Buy confirmed this week that all preorders for the Galaxy Fold have been canceled. This is a drastic step for the retailer to take, but following the catastrophe of the review cycle that preceded the planned April 26th launch date, Samsung had no choice but to delay the phone in order to determine why so many reviewers experienced severe issues with the hardware.

    Samsung has reportedly made a few significant changes to the Galaxy Fold to rectify the issues that sprang up while members of the media were reviewing the phone, such as attaching the protective film to the body of the phone and shrinking the gaps around the hinge that allowed foreign particles to wreak havoc within.

    In all likelihood, a new release date is coming in the near future, but Best Buy wasn't going to wait around any longer for an update from Samsung. As a result, anyone who preordered a Galaxy Fold from Best Buy has had their order automatically canceled. You can read the retailer's statement on the matter below:

    The Samsung Galaxy Fold has become one of the most curious and highly anticipated devices of 2019. While it seems like over the last few years the overall design cue of mobile phones has been all about rectangular slabs of metal and plastic with beautiful displays dominating every millimeter of the front, the Fold looked to be different. It is a bold challenge Samsung chose to undertake and one that has provided us with what is arguably one of the most beautiful pieces of mobile engineering in a long time. It has certainly set the precedence for mobile devices for 2019 and beyond.

    However, with breakthrough designs and technology come many hurdles and the possibility to face a plethora of unforeseen hiccups. These hurdles have led Samsung to postpone the release of the Galaxy Fold, and Samsung has not provided a new release date. Because we put our customers first and want to ensure they are taken care of in the best possible manner, Best Buy has decided to cancel all current pre-orders for the Samsung Galaxy Fold.

    If, despite all the issues and the extensive delay, you're still interested in picking up Samsung's first foldable phone, you can head to Best Buy's website and hit the Notify Me button. Best Buy will then provide you with any updates it receives on the phone, as well as the date it will finally be available to purchase.

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