• Xda-Developers | Telegram 5.6 adds archived chats, bulk actions, quick forwarding, and more
  • The Telegram messenger puts privacy first and features a minimal interface, which is why it is also one of our community's favorite places to discuss new developments in the world of Android and (sometimes) Chromebooks. We're always excited to learn about new features being added to Telegram and the latest update brings a horde of new options that will help you organize your chats better, perform bulk actions, and get a cleaner interface.

    First off, Telegram 5.6 finally adds the ability to archive older or irrelevant chats. This will help you keep your Chat list organized or prevent from being distracted by unwanted messages. To archive a chat, you can simply swipe from right to left over it. Chats remain archived until there's a new message from the person but if you've muted any particular chat, it remains archived until you unarchive it.

    To unarchive chats, you can just swipe left over them again and they'll return to the main list.

    The complete collection of archived chats is pinned to the top of the main screen of the Telegram app but you can swipe left on it hide it. It will only be visible when you swipe down twice on the main list and re-hide again when you swipe up. You can pin it back to the top by swiping left on it once again.

    Additionally, there are new bulk actions in Telegram 5.6 by long pressing on one chat, followed by single taps on the others. You can select a group of chats and perform actions in order to delete, archive, or pin the chats to the top. You can also mute/unmute multiple chats at the same time, or mark them as read to avoid having to perform the same action on multiple chats separately.

    There are some visual changes to Telegram with the latest update as well. While the icon for the Telegram app on Android has been refurbished from the older paper airplane icon, shortcuts for replying to or forwarding messages have been moved to the bottom of the screen. You can also tap on each text message individually to see options such as Reply, Copy, Forward, and Delete.

    On top of these added features, you can now see more content from the preview of the messages with the expanded thee-line glance in Telegram. Just head over to Settings>Chat Settings and choose between the two-line or the three-line view under the "Chat list view."

    You should also be seeing a new sharing window which resembles the sharing menu similar to the one in Google apps very soon. I don't have it on my devices yet, so that's the preview that Telegram shared in the official blog.

    Telegram (Free, Google Play) →

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