I'm fairly used to using Skype for Business at work. It makes the traditional office desktop phone redundant. Instead, no matter what PC or laptop I'm using, I can call colleagues and customers either over the internet or as a break-out onto the traditional PSTN network.
There's a mobile app too, meaning that I can receive calls on a specific external number to the app on my phone. Not only that, but I can easily join meetings. This, in addition to adding people to existing calls via ad-hoc additions, makes networking and collaborative working so much easier and simpler. I can join or create conference calls anywhere and work on-the-fly.
What if you don't have this? Well, there's other options – WhatsApp is one. You can call over the internet or do video calls to other WhatsApp users, plus you can add others in and have group conversations really easily. It's all free and you can either use WiFi or your data package.
On some Android phones you can call multiple numbers, adding calls and merging them. To do this, you'll need to call one person, say hello, then click the "Add Call" button, call the second person, say hello again, then you can either press the "Merge Calls" button or call others. It's a little bit labourious though, which is probably why not very many people use this particular feature on their smartphone.
In addition, if you want to setup an ad-hoc conference call and you don't want to check if everyone is on WhatsApp, you can also use a conference call service. This is a really easy offering – you just dial a number, request a PIN code, then share that same phone number and your PIN with the colleagues, customers or friends. All you need to do then is arrange a time for your meeting, then everyone dials in – no apps, no software needed. Simple and quick. It all pays for itself via a small per-minute charge, and it's a great way to get your conference call done.
The post Easily get an conference call setup on your mobile is original content from Coolsmartphone. If you see it on another news website, please let us know.
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