• TechGYD | How to Identify Geo-Location of Your Visitors Using IP2PROXY
  • Online business is not only limited to owning websites and selling your products or service or information but it is also important to safeguard your websites. There were times when only authenticated or real users could visit your website. But today, not only the real person but users with fake IP addresses, web hosts, search engine crawlers, spamming software, spambots, etc. can get access to your website. They use proxy, tor, VPN fake IPs, etc. for the same.

    Fake users can be really bad for your business. These users are not only hiding their identities but they have the potential to infect your website with the virus, server overload, including spam scripts, hack the website, steal data, and so on. This can greatly damage your business and reputation.

    So, it is essential to check if a particular IP address is valid or not. Basically, you need to check if a person visiting your website is using a proxy server or not. And you can get this done easily with IP2Proxy. How? Let's get to know.

    What Is IP2Proxy? How Do You Tell If A Proxy Server Is Being Used?

    IP2Proxy is a powerful service offered by IP2Location. IP2Location is very popular and one of the most used tools by a large number of businesses to protect their business and data. It is an essential service that can greatly benefit online store owners, website owners, web developers, Govt. websites, medical institutes and so on.

    As I mentioned before there is a huge risk of spam or fraud attack on your website which may infect your website and steal all your users' data. This may also include most confidential information like credit/debit card details etc.

    IP2Proxy scans all the IP addresses visiting your website and provides insights about it. With this information, you can easily detect if anyone if using a proxy server while using your website. Every user who is using a proxy probably has come with the bad intentions of invading your website, hacking it, stealing its data.

    So, IP2Proxy is a database service which contains a huge list of IP addresses which are used as data center IP addresses, open proxies, VPN anonymizer, web proxies, search engine crawlers, web hosting services. The list of IP addresses is updated every 24-hours.

    As IP2Proxy contains the list of a large number of IP addresses, when a user visits your website, it would scan the IP and raise a flag if the visitor is using a proxy to access your website. All you have to do is to get the IP2Proxy database plans, add it into your website or web app and then you are good to go. There are all the details mentioned in the official website of Ip2Location from where you get all the queries solved.

    Attribute Details Provided By IP2Proxy

    IP2Proxy offers a large number of details about the IP addresses it scans which visits your web app or website. Below are all the attributes or details it offers you.

    • Country – The country of origin of the IP address
    • Proxy Type – HTTPS, SOCKS, HTTP,  SSL, FTP, Anonymous
    • Region & City – The precise location of the IP addresses
    • ISP – The details about Internet Service Provider
    • Domain – The domain name
    • ASN – IP networks & routers collection identifier
    • Usage Type – Government, Library, Commercial, Organizational, University, etc.
    • Last Seen – The last seen of proxy online timestamp

    Ip2Proxy Database Plans Offered By IP2Proxy

    IP2Proxy offers a variety of plans to suit your business' personalized needs. It has plans for everyone's need. You can choose any of the given plans according to your requirements. There are 8 IP2Proxy database plans from PX1 to PX8 that IP2Proxy offers. Each plan has a different level and provides different attributes.

    The great thing about the plans offered by IP2Proxy is that you can get details about only the desired attributes and pay for them only. Below are the data return values of all the plans of IP2Proxy.

    The PX1 database plan provides you only the country of origin of the IP address. While PX2 offers you proxy type along with the country name. Going a little higher, PX3 provides you details about the region & city along with country name and proxy type.

    With PX4, you get all the information about the country, proxy type, region & city, and ISP. PX4 is little more advanced as you get the domain name of the origin along with al the attributes provided in PX4. PX6 offers you one more detail, i.e. usage type and with PX7 you get details about the ASN. And if you want to have all the attribute details then go for PX8 which gives you details about all the IP,  City, ISP,  ProxyType, Country, Region, ASN, Domain, Usage Type, LastSeen information instantly.

    Integration With Libraries

    What's more, you also get integration with libraries. IP2Proxy lets you easily embed or include the API in your web app or website in order to query all IP2Location binary databases for IPv4 and IPv6 address. It offers you different language libraries which enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, ISP, domain name, connection type, ZIP code, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, time zone, area code, weather, elevation, and usage type that any IP address or hostname originates from. It supports a huge list of programming languages including C, C#, PHP, PYTHON, Ruby, Perl, Pascal and so on.

    integration with libraries


    Final Words

    IP2Proxy is a must-have tool if you want to safeguard your website from the fraudsters and spammers whether you are a web developer, website owner, Govt website, medical, or provides online gaming servers, etc. As all these types of websites store their users' data and to protect it from the fraud or data theft, server overload, website hacking, injecting harmful scripts, etc. you need to have IP2Proxy. Several plans are also very handy as you can pick the one which you required.

    If your business is vulnerable to hackers or is unable to identify and block malicious visitors then it will decrease the trust and interest of your real customers. So, I think investing in a service like IP2Proxy comes with a long term payoff and goodwill.

    Read Full Article Here - How to Identify Geo-Location of Your Visitors Using IP2PROXY

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