• TechGYD | Top Requirements to Consider When Purchasing A Gaming Laptop
  • Being a gamer, you know how important your laptop's performance is for gameplay. Not only will it limit how well you do in the game, but its specs may bar you completely from accessing certain games. As you know, these are every gamer's nightmare. Thankfully, they can easily be avoided with the tips given below.

    It all comes down to your decision when purchasing. If you're looking to buy yourself one, you need to make sure you're getting your hands on a laptop that comes with the best possible gaming experience for its price. Now, to make sure of this, you must keep a few things in mind. In this article, we'll be discussing all of that, making it possible for you to have an amazing gaming experience. 

    What Is Your Price?

    Your budget is one of the most important things to think of when you're looking to purchase a gaming laptop. Why? Because it gives you an idea of how much you'll be able to spend. When you know how much you're dishing out, you know which laptops you should focus on. This will allow you to narrow down the best models from the assortment present. Thankfully, there are many budget gaming laptops that offer an experience on par with their premium counterparts. So you don't have to spend a lot of money.

    gaming laptop

    Keep in mind that their price is never set in stone. Throughout the year, this will fluctuate, allowing gamers to purchase the laptop when it's at its lowest. So, when is this? They're at their lowest after the Christmas season, usually in early January due to drop in demand as well as during Black Friday. During this time, the prices of goods drastically fall. Thankfully, it's not just celebrated in America as many retailers across the globe have follow the practice, using it to boost sales. 

    How Fast Is Your  Processor?

    How well your laptop performs depends on the CPU inside it.  Some games have a higher intensity compared to others. Those that are higher will be harder for your computer to process, especially if it has a CPU that isn't the best. This is why you need to look for a laptop with the best available processor for your budget. It also is good to keep in mind that the minimum CPU speed to play the highest intensity game as of now is  1.73MH0z. 

    Obviously, the best option would be to go for an i7 processor, specifically quad-core. Unfortunately, this may be too expensive for you, so you'd have to look for an i5 or i3. Of course, the i5 works much faster than i3 processors, so keep this in mind as well.

    Although you'll be splurging more, think of a premium processor as an investment. You may not need to upgrade for years due to its high-quality endurance; thus, saving you money in the long run. 

    How Easily How Can You Control Your Character?

    You may find yourself with the best laptop which has amazing software, but what about your hardware? It's lacking. Any gamer would testify to how important the ease of their keyboard is for an excellent gaming experience. Obviously, you can't control your character without the keyboard, and if it isn't easy to use, you may find yourself constantly making the wrong movements. This would ultimately lead you to become fed up with the game.

    So, remember to test keyboards comfortably before your purchase. Moreover,  a general rule to keep in mind is that a keyboard with a 2mm depth is the standard for gaming as of now. 

    How Good Is Your GPU?

    What makes a gaming computer a "gaming" computer, and not a regular one is the capacity of its graphics processing unit or GPU. Regular laptops and PCs don't have an in-depth graphics system to deal with the intense visuals of certain games.  Fortunately, gaming laptops do, and certain systems are better than others. Without an appropriate GPU, your computer would not be able to process the visuals, so you would have to brace yourself for immense lagging.

    The consensus is that the NVIDIA Geforce GTX is the best GPU in laptops at the moment. 

    How Powerful Is Your RAM?

    RAM, although not as important as your GPU and CPU, is still vital for gameplay. It helps determine how fast your laptop will run, thus allowing the smoothness of your performance. Make sure you get a laptop with the best possible RAM. Of course, 8GB is your best bet and will leave you with a great performance, if you have an equally good GPU and CPU. If not, 2GB is the minimum RAM you should look for.

    How Big Is Your Screen?

    As you can imagine, the size of your screen is vital for your experience. You must keep this in mind when you're looking for a laptop as this may make or break your performance. Look for a laptop that has a screen larger than 12 inches, if not you won't comfortably be able to play. Your best choice would be to make sure that it's at least 17 inches. 

    Moreover, its resolution is also important. The higher it is, the easier it would be for you to immerse yourself in the game,  allowing you to perform better. This is why 4k resolution is the best, but it may not be affordable due to its steep price.

    Fortunately, gaming laptops are well-known for having better quality screens than their PC counterparts so you'll really be getting a bang for your buck. 

    How Good Is Your Sound Quality?

    Your computer's sound quality isn't really necessary for gaming, but many would prefer a laptop with marvelous sound as it contributes to the immersive experience. This does not just boost your entertainment levels, but will ultimately increase your productivity as you're more likely to be invested in what's happening. 

    If you have a sound system that works great, remember you'd need equally amazing headphones to match it.

    So, if you take the above into consideration, you'll find yourself the best possible gaming laptop. Of course, there are many brands and options to choose from, so have fun!

    Read Full Article Here - Top Requirements to Consider When Purchasing A Gaming Laptop

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