• Tech – Metro | Mysterious ‘Planet X’ may actually be a primordial black hole, scientists suggest
  • This is how Nasa artists imagined Planet 9 might look (Image: Nasa)
    This is how Nasa artists imagined Planet 9 might look (Image: Nasa)

    Since 2016, astronomers have been wondering whether or not a mysterious ninth planet is lurking towards the edge of our solar system.

    The theory was put forward as an explanation for why some of the bodies in the outer solar system seem to have irregular orbits. It was suggested that a huge planetary body may exert a gravitational pull on them.

    Known as both 'Planet X' and 'Planet 9', experts say they believe it orbits our sun somewhere out beyond Neptune – but they've never managed to catch a glimpse of it.

    Now a new theory has emerged explaining why they haven't been able to see it – because it's a black hole.

    Or rather, a 'primordial black hole' around the size of a bowling ball with enough gravitational pull to affect the chunks of ice and rock way out in the reaches of space. Primordial black holes haven't been proven to exist yet – but it's believed they are much smaller black holes that formed during the big bang.

    Planet 9 has also not yet been officially discovered, but its presence was inferred by analysis of 'Trans-Neptunian Objects' orbiting in the space beyond Neptune. Observations of these objects revealed 'gravitational anomalies' which may have been caused by the push and pull of a large planet.

    Astronomers have also glimpsed a number of 'microlensing events', which is a phenomenon caused when passing light 'bends' under the influence of a large object's gravitational pull.

    The Planet 9 object could be one rogue hole that was 'captured' by the sun and steered into orbit around it or part of a larger population.

    In an early version of a study published on Arxiv, scientists wrote: 'We highlight that the anomalous orbits of Trans-Neptunian Objects and an excess in microlensing events… can be simultaneously explained by a new population of astrophysical bodies with mass several times that of Earth.'

    (M Weiss/CfA)
    Primordial black holes haven't actually been proven to exist yet (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

    'We take these objects to be primordial black holes and point out the orbits of Trans-Neptunian Objects would be altered if one of these holes was captured by the Solar System, in line with the Planet 9 hypothesis.

    'Capture of a free-floating planet is a leading explanation for the origin of Planet 9 and we show that the probability of capturing a PBH instead is comparable.'

    It's hard enough to spot a planet at the fringes of our solar system, let alone a mini black hole. But these ancient holes may give off 'annihilation signals'.

    This doesn't mean they sound an alarm before they decide to attack but is the name for a process predicted to take place within 'dark matter halos' believed to surround the holes.

    via https://ift.tt/2oLcsJY

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