• Xda-Developers | Samsung Pay beta rolls out with international money transfers and Samsung Pay Cash card
  • Samsung Pay is, in my view, the best mobile payment app out there. It supports making payments through MST on Samsung Galaxy flagships and NFC payments on some devices, and you can hook up PayPal or most credit cards for payments. Samsung has also added cashback awards and Samsung Pay Rewards to the app. Now, Samsung is adding a few new features to make its payment service even better. Samsung is introducing the Samsung Pay Cash virtual debit card and Travelex integration for international money transfers.

    Samsung Pay Cash looks like a response to Apple Pay Cash since they have a lot in common besides the names. Samsung Pay Cash allows you to request, send, or add money to your wallet. It allows you to add money through any card in Samsung Pay, credit or debit. Debit transfers from your card to Samsung Pay Cash will incur a $0.25 fee. Using credit, you will be charged a 3% fee. You can then use this card to make payments via MST or NFC wherever you can swipe or tap a card. It is accepted anywhere MasterCard is accepted.

    The next feature Samsung added to the latest Samsung Pay beta app is international money transfers. Samsung partnered with the Travelex service to allow you to send money around the world and exchange currencies in the process. This feature allows for very easy money transfers without you having to go through sketchy companies or pay exorbitant fees. The feature lets you choose to transfer directly to a bank account, a "premium" transfer service, or start a cash pickup. It supports a bunch of different major currencies in major countries.

    This feature is currently rolling out to users in the Samsung Pay beta program in the United States. The APKs are linked below which will give you access to these features. If you install them outside the United States, be warned that Samsung Pay will break. If you aren't in the US, you'll need to wait for this to officially roll out to gain access to it.

    Samsung Pay beta APK ||| Samsung Pay Framework APK

    Via: @SamsungRydah

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