• Tech – Metro | Nasa’s supersonic plane goes as fast as Concorde but without the sonic boom
  • This undated illustration released by NASA on December 16, 2019 shows the completed X-59 QueSST landing on a runway at Edwards Air Force Base, California. - NASAs first large scale, piloted X-plane in more than three decades is cleared for final assembly and integration of its systems following a major project review by senior managers held Thursday at NASA Headquarters in Washington. NASAs first large scale, piloted X-plane in more than three decades is cleared for final assembly and integration of its systems following a major project review by senior managers held December 12, 2019 at NASA Headquarters in Washington,DC. The management review, known as Key Decision Point-D (KDP-D), was the last programmatic hurdle for the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) aircraft to clear before officials meet again in late 2020 to approve the airplanes first flight in 2021. (Photo by Jet FABARA / NASA / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO /NASA/LOCKHEED MARTIN/JET FABARA/HANDOUT " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS (Photo by JET FABARA/NASA/AFP via Getty Images)
    This Nasa illustration shows the completed X-59 QueSST landing on a runway at Edwards Air Force Base, California. (Nasa/AFP/Getty Images)

    Nasa is moving closer to building a plane capable of flying faster than sound but without the sonic boom that ended up grounding Concorde.

    According to the agency, its X-59 space plane has been cleared for final assembly and is now ready for 'integration of its systems.'

    It will be the first large-scale, piloted plane that Nasa has built for 30 years – although it is being put together by aerospace company Lockheed Martin.

    If all goes to plan, the supersonic plane will be ready for its first test flights next year. It's fully-fledged launch may come the year after in 2021.

    Dubbed the 'son of Concorde' after the Mach 2 airliner, the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) is will cruise at Mach 1.42 (1,090 mph/1,754 km/h) and is designed for supersonic flight while preventing its sonic boom from being heard on the ground.

    If successful, the craft could one day travel from London to New York in just over three hours, while transcending objections to supersonic air travel over land.

    The plane could fly from London to New York in three hours (Picture: Nasa)
    The plane could fly from London to New York in three hours (Picture: Nasa)

    Passing the 'Key Decision Point-D' management review — which was held at Nasa's Washington headquarters on December 12, 2019 — was the last administrative hurdle for the X-59 QueSST project.

    'With the completion of the Key Decision Point-D we've shown the project is on schedule, it's well planned and on track' said Bob Pearce NASA's associate administrator for aeronautics.

    'We have everything in place to continue this historic research mission for the nation's air-travelling public.'

    At Lockheed Martin's so-called 'Skunk Works' factory in California, three major work areas have been set up for the construction of the X-59.

    via https://ift.tt/2Sae10C

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