• Tech – Metro | WhatsApp is going to be crucial to our Christmas, survey suggests
  • epa07568740 epa07306542 (FILE) - A smart phone screen shows the logo of WhatsApp application in Berlin, Germany, 31 December 2017 (reissued 14 May 2019). Facebook's messenger service WhatsApp has been the target of hackers, with remotely installed surveillance software developed Israeli security firm NSO Group, according to media reports. EPA/HAYOUNG JEON
    Brits will be using WhatsApp a lot over Christmas (EPA)

    WhatsApp is the most popular chat app in the world and it seems we're all going to be relying on it to help get through Christmas.

    The Facebook-owned service carried out a poll to find out how dependent Brits are on it over Christmas. And, unsurprisingly, it seems we'll all be using it a lot.

    A YouGov survey of 2,023 adults revealed that 41% couldn't live without the app this Christmas. While over a fifth (21%) said they would be using the video calling feature to talked to loved ones over the festive period.

    'Top topics of Christmas conversation on WhatsApp group chats include discussing the present ideas (28%), planning the Christmas lunch (24%) and arranging travel logistics (20%),' the company said in a press release discussing its survey results.

    'WhatsApp also provides a vital lifeline to Brits looking for an escape from their families over Christmas, with one in 10 (10%) expecting to complain about family members via chats on the app, when it all gets a bit too much.'

    WhatsApp has produced a slew of new features in recent weeks, including a trio of new functions which are likely to prove very popular.

    London, UK - November 9, 2016: Close-up of the icon buttons of Whatsapp, Skype, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter on the screen of a mobile phone
    Could you get through Christmas without social media? (Getty Images)

    The first is a clever 'reminders' feature which lets you ask it to give you a little prod at important moments. To start using this new superpower, you'll have to sign up with a company called Any.do and pay a fiver a month. You'll then be able to set a reminder by sending a DM to Any.do.

    WhatsApp has also introduced a 'call waiting' feature which allows you to put people on hold whilst you answer another call. It also introduced a new privacy upgrade which will stop you being pulled into group chats you don't want to be a part of and control who can send you invitations.

    This might sound like a frivolous feature, but in fact it's a great privacy tool because people in groups can see each other's phone numbers. If you can take control of who adds you into these chats, then you have an extra tool to protect your identity and make sure strange people don't contact you.

    via https://ift.tt/2YW6QKQ

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