As any established professional can tell you, what you say is just as important as how you say it. Indeed, the right message delivered in the wrong manner isn't likely to yield desirable results. With that in mind, today we'll be taking a look at a basic –– yet essential –– component of digital success, namely, website copy. Here are four big web copy errors that are more common than you'd think, and that all companies would do well to avoid:
Unbelievable though it may seem, some professional websites still commit blatant plagiarism. Whether you're writing about construction barricades or investment opportunities, no content creator should ever steal another person's work –– period. Copy/pasting the content from another website isn't just immoral, it can land you in big trouble with search engines and cause your rankings to tank. Note, paraphrasing is not the same as plagiarism.
Text Walls
Website copy is actually a component of web design. Indeed, savvy pros understand that how text appears on a page can influence whether or not a consumer will read it. As such, it's important to never let your website pages become dominated by large stretches of drab, gray text walls. Make it a point to break up content with backlinks, bullet points, images, graphs, and videos. Remember that plenty of people will only skim a web page –– so highlight your most important points!
Factual/Grammatical Errors
Mistakes within website copy can be hard to spot –– particularly if you wrote it in the first place. Still, factual, grammatical, and spelling errors will make your site look amateurish. That's why it's important to edit and revise website copy vigorously. Do your best to cut out all writing mistakes before you publish a page and always correct any errors as soon as you notice them. Thankfully, websites aren't static and can be altered quickly.
Consumers have certain expectations for website copy. After all, copy for a landing page will look a lot different than copy on a blog post or a product page. Given that fact, professionals should always review website content to guarantee that it aligns with the purpose of the page. This could mean everything from reviewing style and length, to adding or subtracting entire sections. Soliciting user feedback is a great way to test out website copy as well.
As we touched on above, one of the great things about website content is that you can always change it for the better. Don't feel obligated to stick with copy that is out of date, incomplete, or incorrect. Instead, take the initiative and give your site a boost by freshening up your content!
Read Full Article Here - 4 Website Copy Mistakes Businesses Must Avoid
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