• TechGYD | How to Convert Audio and Video Online?
  • If you are working at a job which requires you to work and dabble in various kinds of audio and video samples, then you know full well how important it is to have a reliable online site which helps you to convert various audio and video samples from one format to another. Various kinds of audio formats like mp3, m4a etc. are sometimes required for various works and not always are the sample in the right format. So it is absolutely necessary to have an online audio convertor and an online video converter handy.

    video conversion

    How to convert audios and videos online?

    Converting audios and videos online is one of the easiest things there is on the internet. And there are loads of websites nowadays which offer you the opportunity to convert audio and video files online. Any video or audio, if needed to be converted into other formats have some easy and simple steps in the process.

    Open your browser and search for an online audio and video converter:

    When you look for an online tool for conversion, make sure that you specify the file formats which are required for you. There are a lot of online tools that are specifically from a particular format to some other format. So while searching for an online audio convertor be sure that the particular website that you have chosen has the provisions to apply to your file format too. The same goes for your online video convertor as if they are not compatible with your file format, then the whole thing becomes a moot point. 

    Open the online convertor website:

    Most of the online conversion tools available easily are run through their websites. Not only is it cheaper for the companies because launching an online tool comes with a lot of other licensing and financial issues, but it is also cheaper for you to just look at it online instead of having to buy the tool itself. Thus most websites do a favor to themselves and to the users by operating out of a website. 

    Upload the required file or folder:

    Once you are at the website you would find clear spaces where you are supposed to upload the file. Now there would be a browse option near that area. By clicking on that, you go to the specified file that you need to upload to your online audio convertor or online video convertor if it is a video file. Then you need to select the file and click upload to upload it into the website. Once this is done, majority of your work is done. 

    The final step:

    Once the file is uploaded to the website, all you need to do is press the convert button. Once you are finished with it, you can select the destination folder where the converted file would be downloaded to and you would be done. 

    What are some of the most eminent audio and video conversion websites?

    • Media.io: This is a website which goes by the name Wondershare and is a uniconvertor. Basically it is able to perform multitude of tasks instead of being useful for only a particular type of file. It comes complete with an online audio convertor and an online video convertor. Moreover as an added bonus, it has an audio compressor and a video compressor, both of which is online and is free to be used. And for the cherry on top, this website also boasts of having an online video editor which is free to use. So no matter what your requirement, if it is regarding audio and video conversion, compression or editing, this is the website for you. 
    • Zamzar: This website is primarily noted for its conversion tools of documents and pdf, but of late, it has started to boast about audio and video converting tools which are free to use and are online. In this website, conversion from any file to any other file format is comprised of three easy steps – select the file, choose the file type to be converted to and click on the convert button. Behold! Your conversion is done. 
    • Voice2v: This is an online tool which lets you convert audio and video file formats and along with it helps you to convert audio files to video too. 

    What should be taken care of while searching for online conversion tools?

    While searching for an online audio convertor or an online video convertor, you should always look out for the permissions that are required by the system. Some malicious websites may misuse the permissions granted and gain access to your system and blackmail you through or personal details. So like any other online tool, verify the convertor thoroughly and read through the terms and conditions before using the conversion tools.

    Read Full Article Here - How to Convert Audio and Video Online?

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