• TechGYD | These are the Skills you will Need for a Superb Front End Development
  • For a couple of minutes just give a glance to the best of your software or an app you have developed in the past. Do you still think that introducing tweaks would have certainly made a remarkable difference to the way this product looks now? Do you think the product could have been more less-complicated and more-engaging at the same time for its end users? Well, if that is the case, Congratulations you are becoming better at your understanding of front-end development.

    Top frontend development companies hire developers with the following noteworthy skills to up their development efforts and make a product that is developed for a user base in the near future –

    front end development

    1. HTML and CSS 

    HyperTextMarkUp Language and Cascading Style Sheets are considered fundamental elements of coding for web. A developer can't simply create a design without the two as it would result in only the screen with unformatted plain text without a capability to add images to the page.

    2. JavaScript 

    With this, you will have the capability of adding a lot much functionality to your websites. Not only this, you may be able to create a rudimentary web application using the trio. JS is great if you want to create features such as maps that update themselves in real time or the online games or even the interactive films. Did you know Pinterest uses JS for a friendlier user experience?

    3. JQuery 

    A JavaScript Library that contains extensions and plugins that contribute to the fast and hassle-free development of JavaScript. This feature allows the top front-end development companies to include ready-made elements in their projects for customization such as search form autocomplete, countdown timers, and rearrangements and resizing of grid layouts.

    4. JS frameworks 

    These frameworks include Backbone, Angular, React, and Ember that provide an "already-created" structure to the code in JS. These frameworks serve different purposes and are known to speed up the development process by reducing the need of writing code from scratch. 

    5. CSS Preprocessors 

    Frontend development also involves using Preprocessors for speeding up the process of coding CSS which makes CSS scalable and an easy-to-deal-with task. CSS Preprocessors play an integral role in code processing before it is even live on the website that is not just cross-browser friendly, but is also well-formatted.

    6. Frontend frameworks 

    Top frontend development companies consider Bootstrap does CSS quite well – giving a jump-start to the code. Did you know there are some elements that are used for different projects and if a framework defines these elements well, your development process becomes super easy and worth your skills. A good frontend development calls for its professionals to be aware of such nuances.

    7. RESTful services 

    Representational State Transfer is essentially a lightweight architecture that is used to make the web network communication easier. Well, services of APIs and RESTful are known to abide by the rules of REST architecture for enhanced scalability, reliability, performance, and modification. 

    8. Design like a pro 

    Well, mobile devices are preferred for internet over any other device we see and use today. Mobile is imperative if you want your users to engage them in your product offering and enjoy their loyalty for years ahead. A highly responsive web design is a lot different on a mobile device than it really shows on a computer. And every front end development service takes design into strict consideration.

    9. CMS and E-commerce 

    From WordPress and Magento to Drupal and Joomla, almost all websites use CMS. For organizations using these can generate a lot of value and revenue for top front end development companies.

    10. Testing 

    If a code is there, bugs would certainly occur. A great front end development service considers the process of testing crucial to the success of web app in question. Testing and debugging not only removes bugs but also emphasizes on adjusting the functionality as per the expectations and requirements of end users.


    A front end developer at core uses CSS, HTML, and JavaScript for web designs that totally depend on how users would like or prefer it. It revolves around enhancing customer experience and engaging them and interacts with them through a great front end design. This is why they are often known as client-side development professional which is one of the most basic features differentiating them from back-end development professionals.

    Top frontend development companies often are scrupulous on paying attention to details in delivering the best user experience. From layout to navigation and mobile version compatibility to even clicking an icon, they prefer to style a site or an app that interacts with and engage its users on all levels.

    Read Full Article Here - These are the Skills you will Need for a Superb Front End Development

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