Are you a ham radio operator? Have you ever felt the need to send IP over Morse? If you answered yes (or no) and don't mind a few manual steps between converting network packets to and from and Morse code, [Folkert van Heusden]'s IP Over Morse project has you covered.
To send data, a network packet is first split into 5-bit words. Then those 32 different values are mapped to Morse characters (A-Z, 0-5, and a '/' for termination), and the result is turned into an audio file ready to be sent over the airwaves, because no one is insane enough to want to do it by hand. To receive, the process is reversed. The GitHub repository for the project hosts the custom bits that [Folkert] created, should anyone wish to give it a shot.
The process of turning binary data into a completely different format sounds a bit like UUencoding, and is certainly an unconventional use of Morse code. Luckily, learning Morse code is easier than it's ever been and it's just waiting to be worked into novel projects, because why not?
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