• Bgr | Insider says big PS5 news might be just weeks away
  • PS5 Release Date
    • The PlayStation 5 design reveal is one of the most anticipated events in the gaming world, but it's unclear when Sony will unveil the new console.
    • An insider with connections in the industry said on Twitter that Sony should follow Microsoft's Xbox games event with some news of its own in a few weeks.
    • It's unclear whether he meant a PS5 reveal is imminent, or whether we'll soon see more PS5 games get announced.
    • Visit BGR's homepage for more stories.

    Microsoft has been winning the new console marketing war against Sony so far this year. The company took its time to reveal the name of the new Xbox, but it's been ahead of Sony ever since. We learned what Project Scarlett would be called in mid-December, which is also when Microsoft showed the Xbox Series X to the world. Months later, Microsoft shared the specs of the 2020 Xbox with the world before Sony did, and the company just announced an Xbox Series X games event for next week.

    All Sony did was reveal the PS5 specs during a boring video stream, and then show off the novel DualSense controller. But PS5 news might be coming in the next few weeks, according to an informed insider. It's unclear, however, whether we're going to get at an actual PS5 design reveal or just game announcements.

    Former Kotaku editor and future Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier shared the Xbox teaser on Twitter with a simple "It begins" caption on Thursday:

    That's when someone asked him if he knew anything about Sony. Schreier replied:

    Because of the way that question was worded, the answer can mean anything. Sony could unveil the PS5 design in a few weeks. But then, the question came as a reply to a Microsoft announcement about next-gen console games. So Schreier's answer could refer to PS5 games that could be unveiled in a few weeks. You don't need to know what the PS5 looks like to see games running on it.

    Schreier, however, is a trusted source in the gaming community. A few weeks ago, he revealed that the PS5 operating system will make playing a game as easy as Netflix. Before that, Schreier said that somebody told him the PS5 is" the most exciting hardware in 20 years", according to someone familiar with the device. More recently, he disputed claims that the console has severe heating problems that need fixing.

    Needless to say, none of that can be confirmed at this time, but Schreier wouldn't make those remarks without having some sort of information on hand. So when he says that we might get some PS5 news in a few more weeks, it means he must have some inside information on the matter. Whether that news is an actual console reveal or new games, we have no idea. We will remind you that a different magazine claimed a few days ago that PS5 games will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

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