• iTech Hacks | How To Check & See Purchase History in Steam
  • See Purchase History in Steam: Most of the gamers would be familiar with Steam and they must have used it on several occasions to purchase games and to use its community features. Here we have published two ways to view purchase history in steam.

    How To Check & See Purchase History in Steam
    How To Check & See Purchase History in Steam | itechhacks

    For those who are not familiar with Steam, it is a video game digital distribution platform developed by Valve. It provides its users with features such as digital rights management, video streaming, social networking services, etc.

    Most people do not keep track of the money they spend on purchasing games and in-game purchases using Steam. However, Steam keeps track of each and every activity of every account. Thus, you can easily view your purchase history on it.

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    What information is maintained by Steam?

    Your purchase history on Steam contains the exact date of purchase, an item section which lists all the items purchased, and the total amount you have added and used in your Steam wallet.

    How can Steam purchase history be useful?

    You can use your Steam purchase history as a proof of purchase in case you face difficulty after paying for a game or any other feature.

    You can use it to know if you have been overcharged and as proof if you are eligible for a refund.

    Thus, here we are with a guide that you can use to view your Steam purchase history.

    How to View Steam Purchase History

    Before you go ahead with this method, you must have a Steam account and you should have made some purchases through it.

    You can follow this method even if you have not made any purchase. But, you will not find any history in doing so.

    Step 1- Launch a web browser on your device and go to this 'https://ift.tt/2Nwv1un' link.

    Step 2- Login to your Steam account by entering the login details.

    Step 3- Then, click on your profile located at the top-right corner of your Home page.

    Step 4- From the options which appear on your screen, click on the 'Account Details' option.

    Step 5- Your wallet information will be displayed on your screen. Here, click on 'View Purchase History' option.How To Check & See Purchase History in Steam

    On a new page, a list with all your purchase details will appear on your screen. You can use it to assess every purchase you have made on Steam through your account.

    Further, you can click on each one of your purchases to view more details about them.

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    This is how you can view your purchase history on Steam and keep track of all your purchases. The process is quite simple but new. You can start with the first method and keep executing the following methods until view purchase history in steam resolved. If you have any queries regarding this topic, then please let us know about it in the comments section below.

    The post How To Check & See Purchase History in Steam appeared first on iTech Hacks.

    via https://ift.tt/3dboDE3

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