OnePlus 8 will go on a special sale in India today through at 2PM IST. The smartphone was launched back on April 14th alongside the OnePlus 8 Pro and this is the first time one of the smartphones will be on sale in the country. The special sale today will see a limited number of OnePlus 8 units up for grabs. Both the phones will go on general sale starting May 29th. The standard OnePlus 8 comes with specifications like Snapdragon 865 SoC, a punch-hole design, 48MP triple rear cameras and 30W fast-charging support. OnePlus recently confirmed the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro phones are being made in India and this could be the reason for significantly lower price tags in the country compared to their US prices.
OnePlus 8 price in India and sale offers
The OnePlus 8 6GB + 128GB model is priced at Rs 41,999 and is exclusively available on Amazon India. The 8GB + 128GB and 8GB + 256GB variants cost Rs 44,999 and Rs 49,999, respectively. All three variants will be available today at 2PM on Amazon India during the special sale. OnePlus is offering Rs 2,000 instant discount using SBI credit card, 12-months no-cost EMI, an additional Rs 1,000 cashback as Amazon Pay balance, Rs 6,000 worth Jio benefits and 6-months free Audible audiobooks subscription.
OnePlus 8 specifications
The vanilla OnePlus 8 sports a 6.55-inch full HD+ Fluid AMOLED display with 90Hz refresh rate, 20:9 aspect ratio, Corning Gorilla Glass 5 and HDR10+. It is powered by the Snapdragon 865 5G SoC paired with up to 12GB RAM and 256GB. The phone runs on Android 10 OS with OxygenOS custom skin on top. The OnePlus 8 packs triple cameras with a 48MP Sony IMX586 primary sensor, a 2MP macro sensor, and a 16MP ultra-wide sensor. on the front, it has a 16MP snapper in the punch-hole cutout for selfies and video calls. There is an in-display fingerprint sensor for security and a 4,300mAh battery with 30W fast-charging support. Connectivity options include 5G, 4G LTE, dual-band Wi-Fi connectivity, GPS, and USB Type-C port.
via gqrds
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