iPhone 11, iPhone SE 2020, and iPhone XR prices in India have been slashed by the company soon after Apple launched the new iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro series. The last year’s flagship iPhone 11 (review) gets a massive price cut of Rs 13,400 in the country. The handset’s new price in India is Rs 54,900 for the base variant, down from Rs 68,300, on the newly launched Apple Online Store. The affordable iPhone SE and the iPhone XR, which was launched back in 2018, have received price cuts of Rs 2,600 and Rs 4,600, respectively. The iPhone SE 2020 can be fetched at Rs 39,900, while the iPhone XR is available at Rs 47,900 officially. Interestingly, all three phones will be available at lower prices than these in the upcoming Amazon and Flipkart sales.
iPhone 11 64GB | Rs 68,300 | Rs 54,900 |
iPhone 11 128GB | Rs 73,600 | Rs 59,900 |
iPhone 11 256GB | Rs 84,100 | Rs 69,900 |
iPhone SE 2020 64GB | Rs 42,500 | Rs 39,900 |
iPhone SE 2020 128GB | Rs 47,800 | Rs 44,900 |
iPhone SE 2020 256GB | Rs 58,300 | Rs 54,900 |
iPhone XR 64GB | Rs 52,500 | Rs 47,900 |
iPhone XR 128GB | Rs 57,800 | Rs 52,900 |
iPhone 11 at Rs 54,900: should you buy?
The Rs 54,900 price tag is the lowest-ever price for iPhone 11 since its launch. Apple recently announced that it’ll be giving away free AirPods with every iPhone 11 purchased through its e-store. Specific details of the offer haven’t been announced yet, but even the most basic AirPods from Apple sell at Rs 14,900. This will effectively bring the price of the smartphone down to Rs 40,000. The free AirPods offer will kick in from October 17th across the country. If you don’t want AirPods, you could consider buying the iPhone 11 from the upcoming Amazon Great Indian Festival sale, wherein it will be available for under Rs 50,000.
The 2019 flagship from Apple is regarded as among the best smartphones in the industry right now. The handset touts A13 Bionic chipset, which is still the fastest mobile silicone out there, and sports 12MP dual rear cameras setup with a dedicated ultra-wide sensor. The handset sports a 6.1-inch Liquid Retina display with 1,792 × 828 pixels resolution and 326ppi pixel density. Software-wise, the iPhone 11 runs iOS 13 (upgradeable to iOS 14) out of the box.
Connectivity options include Gigabit-class LTE, Wi‑Fi 6 with 2×2 MIMO, Bluetooth 5.0, and GPS. The iPhone 11 is equipped with a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery with Qi wireless charging and fast charging. The handset comes in purple, green, yellow, black, white, and PRODUCT(RED) colours.
iPhone SE 2020 and iPhone XR will get bigger discounts too
As mentioned above, iPhone SE 2020 and iPhone XR have received minor discounts too. However, the former is available at a starting price of Rs 37,900 these days even, while you can get the latter for Rs 47,900 without any sale as well. With that in mind, buying these handsets at their new official prices shouldn’t be a priority for most, especially considering we will get lower prices in the upcoming Flipkart and Amazon sales.
During the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale, starting October 15th for Flipkart Plus members and October 16th for all users, iPhone SE 2020 will be available for less than Rs 30,000. Similarly, the iPhone XR will up for grabs for less than Rs 40,000 during the same sale. These prices offer much deeper discounts than what you get right now and are just a few days away.
from 91mobiles.com https://bit.ly/3iTTHKP
via gqrds
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