• Xda-Developers | Asus ZenFone 6/5Z, OnePlus 6/6T, and LG G2 are the latest devices to get Android 10 custom ROMs
  • As you may be well aware by now, Android 10 has now been released to the masses after a thorough beta testing period, and with it came along the source code for Google's latest OS. With features like a system-wide dark mode, native theming functions, full support for screen gestures like iOS, and more, there is a lot to love about this year's version of Android. It will be a matter of time before the new OS version rolls out to our devices, though—if it does at all. But the good news is, if your device is not slated to receive official Android 10, there is probably a developer out there hard at work at porting it.

    The latest devices receiving Android 10 custom ROMs include the Asus ZenFone 6, the Asus ZenFone 5Z, the OnePlus 6, the OnePlus 6T and the LG G2. All of these devices, except for the LG G2 which launched back in 2013, will also hopefully receive the latest update through official channels. The LG G2 receiving the latest Android dessert is heartening, as it showcases how important community development is for a device from a user's perspective. All of these ROMs are based on LineageOS 17, which is currently in active development. Perhaps more surprising is the fact that none of these ROMs have a lot of known bugs or broken features, with the most common issues being VoLTE and recovery/GApps-related problems.

    Nonetheless, these builds should still be treated as experimental given their early, bleeding-edge nature—it's been only 11 days since Android 10 was officially released, after all. There could also be undocumented bugs you might come across. If you're interested in using these ROMs as your daily driver, you should know the risks attached. If you would like to try these out, head on over to the download links below.


    LineageOS 17 based on Android 10 for the Asus ZenFone 5Z
    Asus ZenFone 5Z XDA Forums

    LineageOS 17 based on Android 10 for the Asus ZenFone 6/Asus 6z
    Asus ZenFone 6 XDA Forums


    LineageOS 17 based on Android 10 for the OnePlus 6
    OnePlus 6 XDA Forums

    LineageOS 17 based on Android 10 for the OnePlus 6T
    OnePlus 6T XDA Forums


    LineageOS 17 based on Android 10 for the LG G2
    LG G2 XDA Forums

    The post Asus ZenFone 6/5Z, OnePlus 6/6T, and LG G2 are the latest devices to get Android 10 custom ROMs appeared first on xda-developers.

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