• TechGYD | 7 Things to Remember to Create a Killer Landing Page
  • Mastering the art of creating killer landing pages can be quite perplexing. After all, it's a singular structure with multiple pitfalls. As many would agree, creating a successful landing page is a culmination of science and art, in equal dollops. No matter how many best practices you adopt, one can always go full monty breaking rules and tweaking them to their advantage. At the end, it's all about putting things to test and see what works best for you and what doesn't.

    Optimizing a landing page is seemingly one of the most profitable ways to impact PPC and CRO campaigns and boost ROI. Here's a look at 7 things that one should always keep in mind to create a solid impact with your landing page.

    Landing Page

    A/B testing 

    One of the most common practices in digital marketing, A/B testing (or split testing) is all about putting two variants (A & B) of the same page to test. Say, for instance, one wants to test the hypothesis of one particular headline garnering more leads than another. One can readily replace the headline and cross their fingers and wait. But, what if you choose the wrong one?

    The chief goal of A/B testing is to identify certain changes, which in turn boosts chances for conversions that you desire. It allows one to send half of the page traffic to what is the original version (A) and the other half to the new version (B). Accordingly, one gets to gather evidence, to decide which variant works best, before one can commit to the change. According to Convertica, there is no set formula for deciding on the best A/B testing tool. As a brand looking to maximise conversions, it wholly depends on your requirements and goals which are markedly different from others.

    Use of power words 

    Landing page copy is all about making an impact using the customer's voice. Power words help shape your content towards gaining command and hook the audience readily. But, take caution. Power words are not only about choosing the right set of words and phrases. One also needs to structure it carefully to appeal and hit people's emotions and sentiments. Take a cue from SimpliSafe, a company that deals with home security systems, which by all means is quite a mainstream product these days.

    Hence, it becomes all the way more important to create an impact in the first go. The landing page of Simplisafe reads, "Make Home Feel Safe Again". Simple, yet powerful words that do the job right. The inclusion of the word, "Again" implies how the home was the safest place for all of us, but the safety has been compromised. Thus, it tickles on the fears of a prospect and gauds him towards checking their line of products and maybe choose one for their home to make it safe again. This is an incredibly effective piece of content that does half of the job for conversions, right there!

    A stellar Call to Action  

    Still, stuck on using "Submit" as your Call to Action button? Time to grow up! Honestly, who would have thought a CTA button would make such a difference in impacting conversions on a landing page? In essence, it stands as the threshold between a conversion and a bounce. Despite its inherent importance to any website, majority of advertisers choose to go easy with it. Little do people realize that without a solid CTA button in place, a landing page remains bland and flaccid, no matter how good the copy is. Here's a great example from Grey Goose. The landing page for the vodka brand is pure fun.

    While most other brands resort to the copybook policy of redirecting visitors to press releases and product pages, Grey Goose does takes a drift with a unique CTA button that reads "Discover a Cocktail Tailored to Your Taste". That's what you call "Personalization" and everyone loves it. It's all the way a lure game. Plus, the small play button right beside the CTA suggests that you will be watching a video to help ascertain the essence of the brand.

    Including a Video 

    Bygone are the days when online videos were limited to just cute kittens and sweet babies. Today, more than 90 percent of digital marketers bank on videos as a potent medium for sales and communication. Videos in a landing page are a full-proof way to engage visitors instantly. No matter what language your audience speaks, the visual appeal surmounts everything. Got a complex message to deliver with a heap of text? Why not make a video out of it and put it upfront for people to see?

    Rosetta Stone, a software company that focuses on using Edu-tech to develop language, brain fitness and literacy software, uses a video to illustrate their work effectively. The clip focuses on the idea of mastering a second language presented in a funny and entertaining manner, like nowhere else.

    Make it Mobile Friendly 

    Do you prefer filling out a web form on the go, from your mobile? Your prospects like it too. That's right! Mobile ads are seemingly one of the most effective ones as they readily appeal to one's desire to buy stuff right away. In other words, it means your landing pages when optimised for mobile puts you one step ahead in terms of conversions on-the-go. Progressive, a car insurance provider company does it so easily. Their mobile landing page has been optimised to capture the zip code of the customer with a CTA that reads, "Get a Quote". Now, such an approach doesn't throw in much customer information for the company but once you enter your zip code and get a tally of other insurance providers and their quotes to compare side by side, one is more likely to travel the distance and convert.

    Ads and Landing pages–Play the Matching game right 

    There should be clear and distinct parity between the message in your ads and landing pages. Sure, it's a no brainer but one can't help but be amazed, how a good number of advertisers fail to understand the same. That ranges from misguiding ad copies to a broken URL which ruins every single chance of a conversion. Maintaining message match is further important as one retargets at campaigns built with users in mind who have previously been to your site. As these prospects have already been exposed to your brand, it might be a good chance to nail them towards conversion with your offer.

    Hence, it becomes doubly important to attend to the loopholes and any dispute in the ad and landing page message. Take Comcast for example. Their ad talks about a bundle plan for TV, Internet and Phone by paying just $34.90 more than the regular cost of the Internet. Now, when one trips over to the corresponding landing page, the message repeats itself with a form to fill in. The company also managed to keep the colour scheme constant (for the sake of branding), which also makes a user feel that they are in the right place.

    Embrace New Ad formats 

    This one might seem a bit over the top approach, but what if you can skip landing pages all the way and still affect conversions? With ever-increasing newer ad formats, the need to drive your prospects to a landing page for conversion can appear a bit outdated. These ad formats have depicted a higher rate of efficiency, in terms of converting a prospect, than using the funnel approach. For instance, we have Twitter's Lead Generation cards that allow users to make use of offers right within the ad, thus saving time and minimizing steps for conversion.

    Wrap Up 

    Now that you know of a handful industry preferred ways of rocking that landing page, we would love to hear back on your optimization strategies as well. Are you already using any of the tips mentioned above? Would you like to add some more to the list? Feel free to comment and let us know.

    Read Full Article Here - 7 Things to Remember to Create a Killer Landing Page

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