• TechGYD | How Easy Is it for a Beginner to Learn Python?
  • Created back in 1989, Python continues to be an extremely important, high-level programming language that has vast usage across various fields ranging from machine learning and neural networks to perfect compatibility with core-level programming languages such as C and C++. The question is, can Python be considered beginner-friendly?

    You Can Learn the Basics in Just 7 Days

    Now, as a beginner, it may not seem like the easiest language in the world to learn, but surprisingly enough, it isn't as hard as one would expect a high-level programming language such as Python to be either. Even when you do not have a background in basic programming, it shouldn't take too long for you to learn the basics of Python, especially with Guru 99's Python tutorial for beginners. The course is free and can be completed in just a week, so one would have to surmise that Python isn't the toughest language in the world for newbies after all, as long as you have the right teacher.

    The Codes are Readable

    Any code in any language is readable by experts, of course, but we are talking about literal readability here. What this means is that the codes in Python can be written with actual English keywords, instead of having to use punctuation. This is huge in terms of the language's newbie friendliness and makes it possible for developers to create customized apps without wasting time writing unnecessary, additional code, all thanks to the syntax rules of Python which allow it.

    learn python

    Maintaining and Updating Applications Created with Python is Easy

    We already mentioned that the readable code base is what makes Python unique and widely approachable for even beginners, but it's also the ease of maintaining and updating the software applications developed with Python which deserve a special mention as well. Arguably, apps developed with Python are the easiest and the fastest to maintain and update, as required.

    A Wide and Diverse Library of Modules Makes Working with Python a Dream

    Now, this one isn't as much related to learning Python as it is to developing applications and fulfilling specific needs with the language. Nevertheless, as a beginner, you will find Python's vast library of modules to be extremely useful and it will save you a whole lot of time.

    A Python module is a set of predefined, generally compatible codes that you can add to your basic application for furthering the present functionalities of the app or add whole new capabilities to it. To think that you can do all that without having to write a single line of additional code makes the vast Python library a lifesaver for beginners and a huge timesaver for Python developers across all stages of expertise.

    In spite of being a high-level programming language, at its core, Python was designed to simplify the complexities of coding and, therefore, it's the perfect language for beginners. This is not to say that it cannot have complex applications in the field of coding because it most certainly does. Nevertheless, by the time you get to the more complex side of Python, it shouldn't feel as alien to your brain anymore.

    Read Full Article Here - How Easy Is it for a Beginner to Learn Python?

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